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A Hypothetical Experimental Approach to Prove the Existence of an Absolutely Stationary Reference Frame by Using the Mach-Zehnder Interferometer

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Version 3 2025-01-09, 06:33
Version 2 2024-09-20, 04:28
Version 1 2024-09-19, 08:44
posted on 2025-01-09, 06:33 authored by jiajun zhou, Qinyan Zhou
Vacuum is an absolutely static reference system. When light propagates in a vacuum, it moves in an absolutely static reference system. The propagation speed of light in a medium is a constant, which has nothing to do with the motion state of the light source, the observer or the receiver. When light propagates in a medium, it is dragged by the inertia of the medium. While light propagates in a vacuum, the vacuum is absolutely static, which cannot drag the light to move, and the speed, position, and direction of light in a vacuum are fixed. Based on this theory, a light interference experiment can be performed as proof, using a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The principle of the experiment is to split the laser into two beams of light at a half-reflecting mirror, one of which passes through a vacuum quartz tube and reaches the screen, the other does not pass through the tube; however, both of the beams converge on the screen, forming interference fringes. Because the speed, position, and direction of light in a vacuum are fixed and the absolute motion of the earth will drive the vacuum quartz tube to move,when the absolute direction of the earth's motion and the direction of light propagation are parallel to each other,light will have an extra optical path in the tube; when they are perpendicular to each other, light will not have the extra optical path in the tube, so after the instrument has turned 90 degrees, the interference fringes will move. The key to this experiment is to create a vacuum. The structure of the experiment is simple that I hope someone could make an experimental verification. According to this theory, it can be concluded that the essence of Fizeau experiment , Sagnac effect and Hoek experiment is the same. The reverse process of Fizeau experiment is Sagnac effect, vice versa. According to this theory, the Fizeau experiment has a calculated result of movement at 0.236 fringes and a measured value at 0.23 fringes; in the case of Ruyong Wang's experiment "Generalized Sagnac Effect", the moving phase difference has a calculated result at 0.000251 and measured value at 0.000246 in the experiment. Obviously, this theory is more consistent with the experimental measurement results and the theoretical explanation is more real and natural. The Sagnac effect, Mach-Zehnder interferometer and Michelson interferometer can all be used to conduct experiments based on this principle to verify whether there is an absolutely stationary reference system. Among them, the Sagnac effect has the highest accuracy, the Mach-Zehnder interferometer the second and the Michelson interferometer the lowest. If Michelson and Morley had used a 11m-long vacuum quartz tube for the experiment, they might have observed a movement of 0.373 interference fringesand there might have no so-called "dark clouds". This experiment is actually to measure the Sagnac effect of the Earth's rotation by using a Mach-Zehnder interferometer.


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