Microwave photonic (MWP) signal processors, which process microwave signals based on pho-tonic technologies, bring advantages intrinsic to photonics such as low loss, large processing bandwidth, and strong immunity to electromagnetic interference. Optical microcombs can offer a large number of wavelength channels and compact device footprints, which make them powerful multi-wavelength sources for MWP signal processors to realize a variety of processing functions. In this paper, we experimentally demonstrate the capability of microcomb-based MWP signal processors to handle diverse input signal waveforms. In addition, we quantify the processing accuracy for different input signal waveforms, including Gaussian, triangle, parabolic, super Gaussian, and nearly square waveforms. Finally, we analyze the factors contributing to the dif-ference in the processing accuracy among the different input waveforms, and our theoretical analysis well elucidates the experimental results. These results provide a guidance for micro-comb-based MWP signal processors when processing microwave signals of various waveforms.