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Boosting Few-Shot Confocal Endomicroscopy Image Recognition with Feature-Level MixSiam

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posted on 2023-01-26, 16:58 authored by Qian Liu, Jingjun Zhou, Xiangjiang Dong
As an emerging early diagnostic technology for gastrointestinal diseases, confocal endoscopy lacks large-scale perfect annotated data, leading to a major challenge in learning discriminative semantic features. So, how should we learn representations without labels or a few labels? In this paper, we proposed a Feature-Level MixSiam method based on the traditional siamese network for medical image recognition and applied it to gastrointestinal (GI) disease classification by learning discriminative features from limited probe-based confocal laser endoscopy (pCLE) images. The proposed method is divided into two stages: self-supervised learning and few-shot learning. First, in the self-supervised learning stage, the novel feature level-based feature mixing approach introduced more task-relevant information via regularization, facilitating the traditional siamese structure can adapt to the large intra-class variance of the pCLE dataset. Then, in the few-shot learning stage, we adopted the pre-trained model obtained through self-supervised learning as the base learner in the few-shot learning pipeline, enabling the feature extractor to learn richer and more transferrable visual representations for rapid generalization to other pCLE classification tasks when labeled data are limited. On two disjoint pCLE gastrointestinal image datasets, the proposed method is evaluated. With the linear evaluation protocol, Feature-Level MixSiam outperforms the baseline by 6% (Top-1) and supervised model by 2% (Top1), which demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed feature-level-based feature mixing method. Furthermore, the proposed method outperforms the previous baseline method for the few-shot classification task, which can help improve the classification of pCLE images lacking large-scale annotated data for different stages of tumor development. The method has been tested in two different datasets and has shown promise as a quantitative tool for assisting pathologists in the diagnosis of diseases.


Funder Name

National Natural Science Foundation of China

Preprint ID