The coherent transduction between microwave and optical frequencies is critical to interconnect superconducting quantum processors over long distances. However, it is challenging to establish such a quantum interface with high efficiency and small added noise based on the standard direct conversion scheme. Here, we propose a transduction scheme based on continuous-variable quantum teleportation. Reliable quantum information transmission can be realized with an arbitrarily small cooperativity, in contrast to the direct conversion scheme which requires a large minimum cooperativity. We show that the teleportation-based scheme maintains a significant rate advantage robustly for all values of cooperativity. We further investigate the performance in the transduction of complex quantum states such as cat states and Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill(GKP) states and show that a higher fidelity or success probability can be achieved with the teleportation-based scheme. Our scheme significantly reduces the device requirement, and makes quantum transduction between microwave and optical frequencies feasible in the near future.
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