Chirp can control the dynamics of the Airy pulse, making it an essential factor in pulse manipulation. Finite energy chirped Airy pulse (FECAP) has potential applications in underwater optical communication and imaging. Hence, it's critical to study the propagation of FECAP. We present a numerical investigation of the propagation dynamics of a FECAP in a dispersive, and highly nonlinear medium. The nonlinearity under study includes self-phase modulation (SPM), self-steepening (SS), as well as intra-pulse Raman scattering (IRS) terms. We have observed soliton shedding and the chirp parameter is demonstrated to have a considerable impact on the pulse dynamics. In particular, the emergent soliton does not propagate in a straight path instead, depending on the sign of the chirp parameter, it delays or advances in the time. Furthermore, it has been established that the chirp can be employed as an alternate control parameter for the spectral manipulation. The results of our study may have implications in supercontinuum generation and for producing tunable sources.
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