Optica Open

Explanation of Aberration of Light Based on the Theory of Absolutely Stationary Reference Frame

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Version 2 2025-01-11, 04:42
Version 1 2024-10-21, 12:09
posted on 2025-01-11, 04:42 authored by jiajun zhou, Qinyan Zhou
Vacuum is an absolutely static reference system. When light propagates in a vacuum, it moves in an absolutely static reference system. The propagation speed of light in a medium is a constant, which has nothing to do with the motion state of the light source, the observer or the receiver. When light propagates in a medium, it is dragged by the inertia of the medium. While light propagates in a vacuum, the vacuum is absolutely static, which cannot drag the light to move, and the speed, position, and direction of light in a vacuum are fixed. (the above viewpoint comes from reference [1],[2],[3],[4]).Based on this theory, the phenomenon of aberration of light can be explained . So, According to this theory, it can be concluded that aberration of light is not a universal phenomenon but only exists on heavenly bodies with dense atmospheres, which are transparent and in motion. Dense atmospheres can drive light to move, causing the apparent position of heavenly bodies. On the contrary, if a heavenly body is without atmosphere, no aberrations but only parallaxes can be observed.


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