posted on 2023-01-12, 15:27authored bySanchita Roy, Jamil Hussain, Semima Sultana Khanam, Showhil Noorani, Aranya B. Bhattacherjee
Investigations on diverse particulate matter can be carried out by non-invasive and non-destructive analytical means of light scattering technique. Exploration of small particles using this tool must address the concept of refractive index accurately. Interpretation of light scattering results for quantification of morphology of biological particles like viruses and bacterial cells can only be validated by exact evidence of its refractive index. Size and shape quantification of such particles by collecting information from the scattered light, was reported earlier by many researchers but parameter like refractive index was considered as a standard value employed from literature or selected as a median value of biological particles which are alike. A strong analysis is needed on inclusion of appropriate value of refractive index for revelation of light scattering results. This important perception is otherwise not considered strongly in similar works reported earlier. We primarily took an attempt to find the influence of refractive index in light scattering studies with allusion to biological particles like Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Corona virus (SARS COV 2) etc.
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