posted on 2023-11-30, 17:21authored byZ. Tibai, Gy. Tóth, A. Nagyváradi, A. Sharma, M. I. Mechler, J. A. Fülöp, G. Almási, J. Hebling
Laser-plasma accelerators (LPAs), producing high-quality electron beams, provide an opportunity to reduce the size of free-electron lasers (FELs) to only a few meters. A complete system is proposed here, which is based on FEL technology and consists of an LPA, two undulators, and other magnetic devices. The system is capable to generate carrier-envelope phase stable attosecond pulses with engineered waveform. Pulses with up to~60~nJ energy and 90 to~400~attosecond duration in the 30 to 120~nm wavelength range are predicted by numerical simulation. These pulses can be used to investigate ultrafast field-driven electron dynamics in matter.
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