Optica Open

Optimising Satellite and Core Networks for a Global Quantum Network

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posted on 2023-12-23, 04:35 authored by Vasileios Karavias, Catherine White, Andrew Lord, Mike Payne
Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) promises information theoretic security. However, the exponential decay of the secure key in optical fibres leads to limitations in long distance QKD distribution across fibres, which is necessary for global Quantum Networks (QNs). Satellite QKD can be used to generate keys over long distances bypassing fibre limitations and is thus a promising approach for global QNs. In this paper, we construct Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP) models to investigate how to best connect the core fibre network to ground stations to minimise the overall network cost. We design one MILP that can provide a quantitative value for the number of satellites needed for a given configuration and one to optimise the allocation of the core network nodes to ground stations to minimise the overall network cost. We use these models to investigate different strategies to allocate satellites to ground stations during a satellite overpass, showing that allocating satellites based on the expected transmission requirements can reduce the number of satellites needed in a network by up to 40%. Furthermore, we use these models to investigate securing the Data Centre traffic in 2 networks, one local European Network and one Global Network showing costs in the optimal configuration can be up to 40% cheaper than simply connecting core network sites to their geographically closest ground station.


Funder Name

British Telecommunications (EP/V519662/1); Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/V519662/1)

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