Optica Open

Photon-efficient optical tweezers via wavefront shaping

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posted on 2023-04-27, 16:01 authored by Unė G. Būtaitė, Christina Sharp, Michael Horodynski, Graham M. Gibson, Miles J. Padgett, Stefan Rotter, Jonathan M. Taylor, David B. Phillips
Optical tweezers enable non-contact trapping of micro-scale objects using light. Despite their widespread use, it is currently not known how tightly it is possible to three-dimensionally trap micro-particles with a given photon budget. Reaching this elusive limit would enable maximally-stiff particle trapping for precision measurements on the nanoscale, and photon-efficient tweezing of light-sensitive objects. Here we solve this problem by customising a trapping light field to suit a specific particle, with the aim of simultaneously optimising trap stiffness in all three dimensions. Initially taking a theoretical approach, we develop an efficient multi-parameter optimisation routine to design bespoke optical traps for a wide range of micro-particles. We show that the confinement volume of micro-spheres held in these sculpted traps can be reduced by one-to-two orders-of-magnitude in comparison to a conventional optical tweezer of the same power. We go on to conduct proof-of-principle experiments, and use a wavefront shaping inspired strategy to suppress the Brownian fluctuations of optically trapped micro-spheres in every direction concurrently, thus demonstrating order-of-magnitude reductions in their confinement volumes. Our work paves the way towards the fundamental limits of optical control over the mesoscopic realm.



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