Structural colors are produced via the scattering and reflection of light with a specific wavelength through micro/nanostructures. Distinguishing between colors derived from pigment and those obtained from structures in images acquired via optical microscopy remains challenging. Analysis of structure-derived coloration necessitates evaluations using destructive techniques, such as scanning electron microscopy. Herein, we propose a new imaging technique—photonic band imaging—based on hyperspectral infrared Fourier image spectroscopy. Using this technique, mapping of images and reflection of information on specific locations across the entire photonic band, can be performed. The developed device allows the non-destructive visualization of information derived from the analyzed objects.
Funder Name
Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (JPMJCR18T4); Adaptable and Seamless Technology Transfer Program through Target-Driven R and D (JPMJTR22RG); Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (#22H01520); Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (JPMXP1222IT0027)