posted on 2024-11-01, 05:15authored byHubert Jean-Ruel, Sophie Chagnon-Lessard, Michael Newburger, Michael Wolf, Roland Kawakami, Gregory Wardle, Ian Miller, John Hunter
We demonstrate for the first time the efficient acquisition of spin wave Brillouin spectra with a virtually imaged phase array-based spectrometer and an etalon-based notch filter. Thermally excited magnons in a 5 nm crystalline Fe75Co25 film are detectable in 100 ms and a signal-to-noise ratio greater than 100 is reached in 10 seconds with a spectral resolution of 0.45 GHz and a pump power of 23 mW. The dependence of the Brillouin shift on the externally applied magnetic field is characterized for fields ranging from 29 to 370 mT and the effective magnetization is estimated to be 1.6±0.1 MA/m. A 2D map of the spatial variation of the Brillouin shift obtained in a non-uniform magnetic field demonstrates the suitability of VIPA-based instrumentation for imaging spin wave propagation in magnonic devices.
Funder Name
Air Force Office of Scientific Research (FA955023RXCOR001); Carleton University FED and VPRI start-up funds