We combine parametric frequency upconversion with single-photon counting technology to achieve detection sensitivity down to the terahertz (THz) single-photon level. Our relatively simple detection scheme employs a near-infrared ultrafast source, a GaP nonlinear crystal, optical filters, and a single photon avalanche diode. This configuration is capable of detecting a weak THz signal with an energy of 590 zJ contained within a single pulse. Through averaging over 50k data points, the configuration can resolve a 0.5 zJ pulse energy, corresponding to an average of 0.5 photon per pulse. The corresponding noise-equivalent power and THz-to-NIR photon detection efficiency are $4.1 \times 10^{-17} W/\sqrt{Hz}$ and 0.19%, respectively. To test our scheme, we perform spectroscopy of water vapor between 1.0 and 3.7 THz and obtain results in agreement with to those acquired with a standard electro-optic sampling (EOS) method. Our technique provides a 0.2 THz spectral resolution offering a fast alternative to EOS THz detection for monitoring specific spectral components in THz spectroscopy, imaging and communications applications.
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